Learning League

  • Period: July 2024 – July 2025
  • Leader organization: YEU Cyprus
  • Funded by: European Solidarity Corps

The 2024-2025 ESC project Learning League is a 12-month long ESC project which aims to integrate and improve different forms of learning, equipping young people for the challenges of today’s world. The project focuses on highlightıng Youth Goal 8 of “Quality Learning” as well as Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 4 which aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The project brings together 6 volunteers across Europe to support the organization in the efforts to promote quality learning, non-formal education and youth work.

The main objectives of the project are to:

  • Promote the recognition of non-formal learning by advocating through different actions and organising training activities for youth workers and people who work with youth.
  • Enhance skills and competences relevant to life-long learning through highlighting educational opportunities
  • Promote critical thinking, open-mindedness and intercultural dialogue
  • Organizing activities to encourage youth participation
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