Check out our newsletter for June 2024. Find out what we have been up to and things that are coming up soon!

The UNECE Forum on ESD – Empowering Youth for Sustainable Futures: Entrepreneurship, Education and Youth Engagement, is took place in Limassol on 27th and 28th of June 2024! We were not only there to be part of the discussions but also our Executive Director, Annagrace Messa, partıcıpated in a panel discussion on the 2nd day! Find out more on

On 14th June, YEU Cyprus took part in the World Refugee Day Festival organized by Cyprus Refugee Council and Bridges for Tomorrow under the auspices of UNHCR and Nicosia Municipality. The event included music and food from all around the world as well as info stands from a variety of NGOs and initiatives, including YEU Cyprus.

The Eurodesk Multipliers Seminar took place in Brussels from the 27th until the 30th of May! YEU Cyprus attended the seminar as the multiplier of Cyprus. During the seminar, we had the opportunity to network with other organizations and learn new practices and tools of Non-formal education. Eurodesk presented to us their work throughout the year and taught us some very useful information about AI tools, social media management, etc. In general, it was a very fruitful event full of activities, creativity and fun!

A training course in scope of the SexEdu project took place in Bologna, Italy between 27 May and 1 June. Three youth workers from Cyprus. including Maria from YEU Cyprus, participated in the training to build their capacity and learn about good practices and innovative methodologies. The training included sessions on discrimination, gender identities and sexual orientation as well as sexual health. The participants had the opportunity to explore different tools and methods to be used while discussing such topics.

We are happy to announce that our new ESC project Learning League will be starting in July! We have completed our team of volunteers and soon will be introducing them! The Learning League ESC project will focus on quality learning, non-formal education and youth work! Volunteers will engage in a variety of activities that highlight the importance of non-formal learning methods as well as engaging young people in such initiatives. Stay tuned for more information very soon!