Newsletter – May 2024

Check out our newsletter for May 2024. Find out what we have been up to and things that are coming up soon!

As YEU Cyprus we place great emphasis on our participatory processes, and the General Assembly is a great opportunity for all members to gather and discuss the activities and future of the organisation. Our 2024 General Assembly took place this month, on the 18th, with the majority of members present in person and virtually! While it is customary for an overview of 2023 to be presented, emphasis was also given on discussing future plans! Naturally, the 20th anniversary celebrations were also discussed and further ideas were brainstormed. Stay tuned! A huge thank you to everyone who attended!

Last August, in scope of the ‘Superheroes’ project young people from Cyprus, the Republic of North Macedonia, and Italy came together in Nicosia to collaboratively create stories and characters, leading to the development of comic books. Through the Learning, Training, and Teaching Activity, the partnership emphasized artistic development via non-formal education. Take a look at the amazing work, by clicking here or checking the SALTO platform!

Check out the SEXEDU National Framework and Good Practices handbook! The resource was produced by the teams in Cyprus, France, Italy, and N. Macedonia. This document was the result of the collaboration with the partners of the SEXEDU project and includes the national framework of each country as well as some good practices aiming to inspire and encourage the promotion of Relational and Sexual Education for all. Check out the Handbook here!

YEU Cyprus and Nicosia Youth Association (Lefkoşa Gençlik Derneği) are collaborating on a project which will shed light to the concerns of young people. As part of the project young people will be brought together to advocate for topics they are passionate about. We would like to hear you opinion too! To do so, may complete the short questionnaire here. The questionnaire is available in three languages.

In the beginning of May, we said goodbye to our ESC ‘Green-it Up!’ project volunteers. Their area of focus was sustainability and green practices, exploring a wide range of themes. Blanca, Csanad, Eleonora, Jan, Jana, Johannes and Rodrigo have been with us for a year, working on their individual projects while supporting the work of our organisation too. They will be missed! <3

Training course opportunity in Portugal! The training course entitled ‘SEEDS 4 YOUTH ACTIVISM’ focuses on contributing to social inclusion and social and democratic participation of young Europeans. The training course will be held in Portel, Portugal and take place between 24-29 October 2024 (+ 2 travel days). More information here. Contact us for further questions!


My involvement in YEU Cyprus began almost five years ago and has been a journey of new experiences, social engagement and personal growth. My academic background in the field of education has broadened my perspective on the struggles minorities face and the unique needs of young people. By being part of YEU, I’m collaborating with a team of people who share the same values and are dedicated to bringing a positive change in our society and empowering young people.

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