• Encourage young people to promote social inclusion through identifying the positive examples of their communities. 
  • Create innovative practices for educators, teachers, parents, and other staff connected to the education and upbringing of young people. 
  • Create new practices in social inclusion education and increase the inclusive practices in youth work. 

The project will develop a new methodology for youth workers, focusing on a new approach in youth work artistic expression – comics. The methodology will provide tools and skillsets for youth workers to use, but also encourage young people to create new educational comic books. In this way, young people will learn and have the chance to artistically express themselves. Comics are not something new, but the process of intertwining comics with non-formal education, creating educational comic books that youth workers can use in their daily work with young people, thus a guidebook that will provide the skills and knowledge on how to produce one is something that is not yet present in youth work methodology. Using the high interest of young people in comics, will increase the quality, recognition and attractiveness of youth work around the participating countries and in Europe in general.

The project is implemetented in 3 partner countries including Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus from Cyprus, CENTAR ZA MLADINSKI AKTIVIZAM CMA-KRIK and Monikom-Trejd Katerina DOOEL Uvoz Izvoz Skopje from the Republic of North Macedonia, and Fondazione Don Giovanni Zanandrea Onlus from Italy.

The project ‘Superheroes’ (2022-2-CY02-KA220-YOU-000101622) is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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