Training Course “Digital Storytelling for Understanding” in Slovakia

WHEN? September 20 – arrival day, September 21-29 – training days, September 30 – departure day

WHERE?  Medzev, Slovakia.

The training course is organized by Saplinq.

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Digital Storytelling for Understanding is a 9 days long training that aims to offer digital storytelling methodology to youth workers and educators who work with young people, youth at risk of social exclusion and specifically queer youth. Through experiential learning of the wide concept of digital storytelling, participants will acquire new creative skills that will help them improve their work with youth, and eventually lead them towards empowering young people to take charge of their lives. 


  • To support the professional development of youth workers and improve the quality of youth work across Europe through innovation. In order to reach this objective we will introduce youth workers with digital storytelling methodologies, give them means to reach young people with their projects and campaigns promoting peace education values. 
  • To facilitate personal development of the participants and their target groups. Participants will experience digital storytelling exercises and express their personal stories. Digital storytelling workshops enhance media literacy, give people a voice that enables them to communicate in a new way with mixed media. 
  • Participants will have a chance to experience these benefits for their own development and learn how to provide similar experience to young people and other youth workers. 
  • To increase the capacities and international dimension of the partners and enable them to offer services that better respond to the needs of their target groups. Digital storytelling activities help people express themselves and can contribute many benefits in organisational setting. 

Storytelling and digital tools are used world-wide to help communicate brand messages and market products and services. Professional use of digital storytelling helps to present organizations better which might result in more public support for their activities. Participants will also bring back to their organizations new ideas and tools that can be used to develop innovative activities and reach new target groups or improve existing programs.


  • Learn about the concept, history and evolution of traditional and embodied storytelling to digital storytelling
  • Develop digital skills and a set of tools related to script writing and editing, audio editing and voice over, visual editing and integrating, as well as how to use social media tools for disseminating created stories 
  • Experience different storytelling means as tools for self-reflection and creation of our own story  
  • In small groups, developing and creating stories by using images, video, and/or other means of digital storytelling 

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️  While this is not a queer-specific training, we welcome all queer-identified people or people who work with queer (young) people. We strive to create a queer-inclusive safer space. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

You can start your travels earlier or later but you should not exceed the maximum travel budget. For example, you will fly in to Budapest a few days earlier to spend them exploring the city and then you come to the training.

VENUE: Ranč Šugov, near Medzev/Košice, Slovakia (map: Ranč Šugov). Transportation from and to Košice will be arranged.

PARTICIPANT’S PROFILE: Ideal participant is already involved in or plans running educational activities within the partner organisations and has motivation to develop their competence as a trainer/facilitator of inclusive educational activities – mainly utilizing non-formal learning methods, digital storytelling and dealing with a human rights education topic.

PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Participant should have home address or temporary/permanent address in one of these countries: Türkiye, Spain, Lithuania, Croatia, Georgia, Cyprus, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Italy, Slovakia.

TRAVEL BUDGET: 275 € – Cyprus. Nearest airports to check for travel: Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Cracow. Košice has an airport, but it’s usually rather expensive to travel there.

*A more detailed Infopack will be provided to selected participants

For any questions or more information, please contact us at or +357 99573646. Deadline for applications is 15th September.


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